Tuesday, February 3, 2015

A New Year!!

Wow, another year has gone by! This project has gotten a new breath of life and taken a new approach. I am producing this with 2D animation before I translate it into 3D. I want to see how it will turn out and use the 1st production as a dry run for the bigger series.
As I have been working on this project I have started a few others. That is one thing that can catch an animator by surprise. Below is a list of projects and links to follow me as I produce a few of them.

First Project: Clash of Clans, Fanimation Websodes.
Second Project: Minecraft YouTube Channel ( Down time fun)
Third Project: +2D Magic Awards This is also a combination of a YouTube Channel, Blog and website. They all can be found here: 2D Magic blog, Website
Fourth Project: Animation & Game Design School. Found Here (Game Design Open, Animation classes coming soon)

Any questions and comment are gladly accepted.
I also have another project I am working on, but that is a surprise bonus that I will share when I am finished. Hopefully within a month or less. So stay tuned!!!!